Return Policy
Before ordering we would also like for you to be sure to check all details of the description to ensure proper fitment Including details like size color, offset, width, lug pattern and any manufacturer details such as Actual Manufacturer of products which is always listed in the details. It is the responsibility of the buyer to properly read the description as we have products that can be misinterpreted because of various similarities. We do our best to ensure a lower priced option to our buyers while still offering a high quality product but keep in mind we do sometimes add genuine purchased aftermarket decals to some of our products. This does not make them authentic nor do we claim they are but is intended to enhance the look of certain products. Due to the nature of automotive parts and the tendency for them to get damaged during install or in this case tire mounting and balancing or even improper lug nut usage in most cases we do not accept returns. Once this item has been delivered if you choose to return, your return may be rejected or returned at the buyers expense. Any damage from improper return shipping or mishandling will be the buyers responsibility. Please take the time to review your order as shipping can be quite expensive. Contact us with any questions and we will try our best to make sure you as the buyer are happy.